Orthodox Chapel in the Oncological Center in Sofia

The orthodox chapel, the project of which is a donation, was first introduced by prof.Chernozemski in the intent of creating a prayer chamber in the park of the Oncological Center in Sofia and also a bond between medicine and spiritual beginning. The main idea of the chapel is to create a non-intrusive building that does not look like an orthodox church from the outside. Precisely for this reason the outside architecture of the structure is delicately stylized with a discreet presence. The symbolism is what the chapel is all about – from the cubic 5x5x5 form to the inclined pedestal-like plinth. The building is designed according to the main orthodox architecture requirements. Nonetheless, the project goes beyond the traditional perception of such type of a building – it is a contemporary interpretation of a Bulgarian Orthodox temple.

The construction of the chapel took 6 years to complete. At the opening, it was sanctified by Patriarch Maxim, the head of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. We want to express our gratitude to Patriarch Maxim, Metropolitan Kiril, Metropolitan Gelasiy and Metropolitan Gavriil, who supported the project from the very beginning.